Practice Your English
Hi everyone!
Hope you all had an amazing summer! Can’t wait for you to tell us all about it at our meet-ups!
Starting 28 September “Practice your English” group will be meeting again every Wednesday at 7pm at Salted Café.
Few words about our format for anyone who is new to this - every time we aim to have a pre agreed topic on which I do a short presentation with some key phrases and useful info. After that we split into groups to practice our English!
Don’t forget:
When: We start on 28 Sep and meet every Wednesday
What time: 7pm
Where: Salted Café
What else: 5lv entrance fee which covers a soft drink from the bar
Save your place by free registration ticket.
See you soon!
Място: Salted Café ,
Регион: област София ,
Град: гр. София,
Адрес: ул. Братя Миладинови 38
Сряда, 28 Септември 2022, 19:00 ч.
Сряда, 14 Декември 2022, 20:30 ч.